Sandyknowes Blog

Living beside the busiest roundabout in Northern Ireland gives plenty of opportunity for watching the world go by. Sandyknowes Blog is the personal blog of Niall Lockhart (minister of Ballyhenry). Pull in and have a read…

Read: Psalm 119 vs 129-160

Verse 129 of Psalm 119 expresses the Psalmist’s deep affection for God’s word and all that it commands: ‘Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them.’

This is how the writer of this Psalm genuinely feels, and it is what they believe. However not everyone shares their outlook, in fact the sense of this Psalm is that the majority of people do not, in any way, feel this way. 

Read: Psalm 119 vs 73-96

Today we come to the midpoint of Psalm 139 looking at vs 73-96. This section of the Psalm picture a very personal conversation between this believer and their Lord. The Psalmist is deeply conscious that God’s hands have made and formed them. As they think about their own identity and their own situation in life this is their starting point; God is their Maker. So they ask that this same God will give them understanding to learn His commands (vs 73). 

Read: Psalm 119 vs 49-72

Today we come to our third stopover in Psalm 119, and there’s a word in this section that I find to be very rich, a word with a wide embrace and a steadying presence. It’s the word ‘wherever’ and it’s found in vs 54:

‘Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge’.
