Psalm 119 vs 73-96 - My delight

Psalm 119 vs 73-96 - My delight

Read: Psalm 119 vs 73-96

Today we come to the midpoint of Psalm 139 looking at vs 73-96. This section of the Psalm picture a very personal conversation between this believer and their Lord. The Psalmist is deeply conscious that God’s hands have made and formed them. As they think about their own identity and their own situation in life this is their starting point; God is their Maker. So they ask that this same God will give them understanding to learn His commands (vs 73). 

Here is a person who is putting their hope in God’s word (vs 74), someone whose comfort is found in God’s unfailing love (vs 76), someone wholeheartedly desiring to follow God’s decrees.

The whole of Psalm 119 is built around a conviction that identity, joy, purpose and security are all found in a place of obedience to God’s word. Christians are in relationship with a God who has made Himself known in the pages of the Bible; we do follow a God who we imagine or who we have to guess about.

All of this however does not mean that life is easy, there is a tiredness about vs 81:

‘My soul faints with longing for your salvation,

But I have put my hope in your word.’

In this season of waiting (vs 84) this person is praying for help (vs 86) placing their hope in God’s love which has been there, is there, and will be there in whatever lies ahead (vs 88). Paring for God’s rescue and help a note of confidence rings through:

‘Your word, LORD, is sternal;

It stands firm in the heavens.

Your faithfulness continues through all generations.’

So words like ‘delight’ (vs 92) and ‘life’ (vs 93) rise on the horizons of this Psalm, a boundlessness (vs 96) that is tied up in who God is and in what it means to belong to Him. 

Prayer: Lord Your hands made and formed me. Help me to rest in You and to delight in all that Your word has revealed about You. I love You Lord and trust in Your unfailing love. In Jesus' Name. Amen.