Sandyknowes Blog

Living beside the busiest roundabout in Northern Ireland gives plenty of opportunity for watching the world go by. Sandyknowes Blog is the personal blog of Niall Lockhart (minister of Ballyhenry). Pull in and have a read…

Read: Psalm 124 vs 1-8

Today we come to the next of our ‘Song of Ascents’, and this is another one written by David. This psalm pictures the people making their way to Jerusalem, and yet as they do they are very aware that this was a journey they might never have made. There’s an old fashioned phrase (that I associate with my Granny’s generation) where people used to talk about ‘being spared’. It’s the idea of having been given life, and receiving life and each day as a gift from God.

Read: Psalm 123 vs 1-4

There are different words that the Bible uses to describe someone who believes in God and is seeking to live in obedience to Him. The Old Testament talks about a ‘people’ living in a ‘covenant’ relationship with Him, people responding in ‘faith’, ‘walking in the light’, citizens in His ‘Kingdom’. In the New Testament followers of Jesus as described as ‘Christians’, ‘followers of the way’, and disciples.

Read: Psalm 121 vs 1-8

As we saw yesterday Psalms 120-134 were sung by pilgrims making their way each year up to the city of Jerusalem, a place where they would gather for worship. It’s not hard to imagine Psalm 121 being sung in this context. As travellers approached Jerusalem, they would see the mountains that surround the city, mountains which can be seen to this day.
