Sandyknowes Blog

Living beside the busiest roundabout in Northern Ireland gives plenty of opportunity for watching the world go by. Sandyknowes Blog is the personal blog of Niall Lockhart (minister of Ballyhenry). Pull in and have a read…

I am sitting here at my desk this morning looking out on the Antrim Road in Glengormley. This is the place where I live and work. This is the place where I have been given a job to do and responsibilities to attend to.

Earlier this week I was looking through BBC iplayer and I came across the recent documentary ‘Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen’. Hitting ‘play’ and starting to watch as the reels of old film rolled, I found myself experiencing that feeling you get when you’re hunting through cupboards and come across an old family photo album; you are curious, you are nostalgic, you are drawn in.

We have a cherry blossom tree in our garden. I remember looking out at it a couple of years ago. It was really quite big and its branches reached out in all kinds of directions.

Dr Trevor Morrow is Minister Emeritus of Lucan Presbyterian Church and a former Moderator of the General Assembly. In this Guest Post he reflects on the year that has been and the longings it stirs as we look to the days ahead.

Irene McMahon and her husband Wilson live in the Philippines where for many years they have served with OMF. They are highly respected mission leaders and educators. Thank you Irene

for taking the time to write our Guest Post today ... 

Life is not as we had expected. Most of us did not spend Christmas the way we usually do. There does not seem to be anything ‘new’ about the New year. Covid-19 continues. These are strange days.
