Psalm119 vs 97-128 - Sweeter than Honey

Psalm119 vs 97-128 - Sweeter than Honey

Read: Psalm 119 vs 97-128

The book of James is a very practical New Testament book. It’s a book that talks not just about ‘faith’ but about ‘doing’. It’s on an ‘on the ground’ book a road map for daily Christian living. In the first chapter of that book James encourages his readers to ask God from wisdom whenever they are faced with choices and options in life. James assures His readers that God wants them to know His will, He has no desire to play hide and seek with those who honestly desire to do what pleases Him. 

However, at the same moment James issues a word of caution; if we ask for wisdom we need to be sure that we are ready to follow when He leads. It’s very easy to be like someone who James describes as ‘double minded’ (1 vs 8), someone who listens for God’s voice and then bobs around (like the waves) trying to decide what to actually do. 

That negative image of the ‘double minded’ person has roots in Psalm 119, where the Psalmist expresses their desire to not be like the double minded. The person writing this Psalm gives thanks that God’s word is reliable and trustworthy, pictured here in words of simple trust: ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my oath.’ (vs 105)

So even in situations of pressure and threat it is God’s word that this person is leaning on (vs 109), the decision to not forget God’s laws is a clear commitment of someone who has set their ‘heart set on keeping your decrees to the very end’ (vs 112).

This is a ‘to the very end’ Psalm, a Psalm that promises to steer a steady path through the changing seasons of life, handed down to us by someone who genuinely loved God’s statutes (vs 119).

Prayer: Father thank you that your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Help me to obey your word and to follow you as you reveal yourself in your word, one day at a time. Keep me steady in all seasons I pray. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.