Psalm 119 vs 161-176

Psalm 119 vs 161-176

Read: Psalm 119 vs 161-176

Today we come to the final sections of Psalm 119. The Psalmist continues to write from a place of pressure and anxiety, and the worst thing is there is no reason as to why people are so opposed to this believing person (vs 161). But in spite of all of this the writer of these words has found a resting place of joy (vs 162). ‘Seven times a day’ this person is making time to praise God and to focus on what His word says. The word ‘peace’ found in vs 165 is a rich Hebrew word, shalom, it’s a word that speaks of wholeness and completeness; this is what this Psalmist has found in a life of daily obedience to God’s word. 

Here is someone who is still on their feet (vs 165), someone living their life as an open book before the God who sees and directs their paths. 

This Psalm moves towards its end with a deep thankfulness that God has spoken. It is because God has given us His word that we can know Him and walk in His ways. So as the Apostle Paul reminds Timothy:

‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.’ (2 Timothy 3:16)

The path that this Psalm has walked has not been an easy path but the final stretch of it (vs 169-176) is full of praise and thankfulness. But this is not a self-satisfied ending, these are words of humble reliance, word of someone who can only come into the place of prayer because of God’s mercy and forgiveness. We all come to God as those who have ‘strayed like a lost sheep’, we seek a God, who has first sought us. 

Psalm 119 gives us confidence not in ourselves (like the Pharisee in the temple – Luke 18: 9-12) but in God and in His word. We pray for mercy (like the tax collector in Jesus’ parable – Luke 18: 13-14) and we do so thankful that this same God hears and answers our prayers.

Prayer: Lord I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek me and keep on seeking me. May my love for you and for your word grow and may I find my peace in delighting in your ways. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.