Sandyknowes Blog

Living beside the busiest roundabout in Northern Ireland gives plenty of opportunity for watching the world go by. Sandyknowes Blog is the personal blog of Niall Lockhart (minister of Ballyhenry). Pull in and have a read…

There is something very personal about the book of Psalms. Many individual Christians have their own stories about how words from this book have brought comfort or encouragement at all kinds of significant life moments.

However at the same time as being personal, there is also something very big about the canvas on which the writers of the Psalms paint. Psalm 2 begins by talking about ‘the nations’. Immediately we are reminded that the God of the Bible is not just a ‘personal God’ (though He is) but He is also the God of the nations. 

For generations, Christian people have read and sung the psalms. Jesus knew and loved the Psalms and He often quoted from them. There’s a depth, a rawness, a realness, about the words that we find in this book. 

The Psalms show us what it looks like to live in this world as a person of faith. The Psalms engage not with the world as we would like it to be, but with the world as it is.

Travelling with God’s word in uncertain times.

When I was training to be a minister, I spent two months living in Malawi. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. I have many memories of those 8 weeks. Memories of being places I never imagined I would be, meeting people I never thought I would meet. 

The early Christians lived in uncertain times. The first century Roman world was a world where vulnerabilities of many kinds were never far away. These were days when few people lived beyond their fifties, and when supply chains of goods and produce meant whole regions could easily tip into periods of shortage and famine. These were days when any sense of medicine or healthcare was in its absolute infancy, and when centres of population had little by way of defence against frequent natural disasters.

This Sunday in Ballyhenry we meet at 11am, when we will be continuing our series in the book of Acts entitled 'Church on the Move'. This week we are in Acts chapter 5 where we find the early church in Jerusalem coming under all kinds of pressure. Pressures from the inside (the story of Ananias and Sapphira) compound with pressures from the outside, culminating in the apostles being thrown in jail. As so often happens however, this is not the end of the story ... join us to find out what happened next!
