This Sunday - 8th March

This Sunday - 8th March

This Sunday in Ballyhenry we meet at 11am, when we will be continuing our series in the book of Acts entitled 'Church on the Move'. This week we are in Acts chapter 5 where we find the early church in Jerusalem coming under all kinds of pressure. Pressures from the inside (the story of Ananias and Sapphira) compound with pressures from the outside, culminating in the apostles being thrown in jail. As so often happens however, this is not the end of the story ... join us to find out what happened next!

As usual we have music led by our praise group, full children's provision (including supervised creche) and a teenage Bible Class. We also have a missions slot hearing about recent work in eastern Europe.

Do pray that God will meet with us by His Holy Spirit and that we will have a deep experience of heads and hearts engaged with one another and with Him.