Community Partnerships

In a book of the Bible called Jeremiah  God, through His prophet, encouraged His people to ‘seek the peace and prosperity’ of the place in which they lived.

As a Christian Church it is important to us to actively encourage others as they work for the peace and prosperity of our local community.

Over the past number of years we have had opportunity, on a number of community cohesion projects, to partner with (the then) Newtownabbey Borough Council, and in particular with the CAN Peace III Respect Programmes.

Each year in August we host our annual Meet the Neighbours Day. This all-age fun day has become an established community event in our area and sees large numbers of visitors from across our community come along to enter in to what is always a very enjoyable event.

For more information on Meet the Neighbours and Ballyhenry’s ongoing community engagement programmes:

Contact: Noeleen Magee

Find out more about the work of our new Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council by clicking here.