Bible Talks by Date
Please select below to browse through Bible Talks by date given at Ballyhenry.
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Husbands and Wives (Ephesians 5 vs 21-33) – Niall Lockhart
18 May 2014
‘Finished’ (Luke 24 vs 13-27 & John 19 vs 30) - Niall Lockhart
27 April 2014
Easter Day Celebration (Luke 23 vs 46 & 24 vs 6) - Niall Lockhart
20 April 2014
Forgiven not Forgotten (Luke 23 vs 34 & 43) - Mark Dodds
13 April 2014
On that Day (Zechariah 12 vs 1 – ch 14 vs 21) - Niall Lockhart
30 March 2014