When words are not enough

When words are not enough

How do you respond to the events of this past week in Manchester?

On two particular occasions in the Gospels we find Jesus face to face with human suffering. In John’s Gospel Jesus is standing at the grave of a friend – a place of personal suffering. Then in Luke we read of Him approaching Jerusalem – overlooking an entire city that had suffered much in so many ways.

What do you say at such moments? What do you do? How do you react?

On both occasions the Bible simply tells us this: ‘Jesus wept’. Words were not enough.

On Sunday morning in Ballyhenry (11am) we will be praying for the City of Manchester. Praying for those whose lives have been devastated by this evil act. True biblical faith gives us a lot of space to be really honest as we pray. But as we do let us remember that we worship a Lord who wept. Sometimes words are not enough.