This Sunday - 7th October

This Sunday - 7th October

This Sunday we meet together in Ballyhenry at 11am and 7pm.

At 11am we step out of our Daniel series for a single talk on Psalm 131. This short Psalm was originally sung by people in Old Testament times when they were on their way to church (the Temple). We are going to take our time to read through this Psalm and to find how it speaks to all of us as we make our way through the changing seasons and circumstances of life. Our Praise Group will be leading our music, and we will have a full children's provision, creche, and teenage Bible Class.

Then at 7pm we meet for October's Prayer Central. There's a line in Luke's Gospel that gives us a a facsinating insight into the rhythms of Jesus' life. It says 'But Jesus often withdrew to lonley places and prayed.' (Luke 5 vs 16).

Modern life is busy. Even when it is not busy it is noisy with many distractions. Prayer Central encourages us as individuals and as a church to do that one thing that is often so diffiuclt - to take time away from the business, away from the noise and to pray together. Time to pray for one another, for the church, for our community, for the wider world. Do be encouraged to join us on Sunday evening, in the main church building, at 7pm.