This Sunday - 6th August

This Sunday - 6th August

This Sunday we meet for morning worship in Ballyhenry at 11am. We pick up the nexty part of our series in the book of Acts, entitled 'The Spreading Flame.' Throughout the book of Acts we see the gospel spreading out - crossing geographical and cultural boundaries. This week our focus shifts to the city of Antioch - and the moment when the Holy Spirit prompted the church there to send Saul (and Barnabas) on what was to become known as 'Paul's First Missionary Journey.'

As you prepare for Sunday you may like to read ahead - we're covering Acts 11:19 - 14:28; with a special focus on the following sections: 11:19-30; 12:25 - 13:3 and 14:21 - 28. Do pray that the same Spirit who prompted the church in Antioch will be active among us as we meet for prayer, worship and teaching.

Our Praise Group will be leading the praise, children's provision ('Storykeepers') will be running as usual and we will also have a supervised creche. If you are visting, or are new to the area, do be assured you will be really welcome. (Sunday evening services begin again in September).