This Sunday - 20th September

This Sunday - 20th September

This Sunday we meet at 11am and 7pm. At our 11am service we have Beginners Sunday School (Pre-School), Primetime (Primary), Bible Class (Yr 8-12) and a fully supervised creche. Praise will be led by our Praise Group. We are in the second part of our series 'Citizens of Heaven' looking at Philippians 1 vs 12-26. In these very verses Paul describes and reflects upon his situation in prison. 

At our evening service John and Anne Acheson will be sharing their experience of outreach work this summer with the Reality Band and the Agape Puppets - we will also be looking at the opening words of the Lord's Prayer (in our series 'Prayer and the Kingdom).

While preparing for Sunday morning I came across the following prayer from a respected New Testament Bible teacher called Gordon Fee who was speaking some years ago on these verses. The words are included below (you may find this a helpful personal prayer as you prepare for Sunday morning):

We pause to be reminded gracious God that whatever our present circumstances you are God Most High. You have come into our history, borne our suffering, carried our sorrows were aquainted with grief. Now gracious Lord Jesus Christ you are seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession as a sympathetic High Priest and so we come to the throne of grace to find mercy in our time of need. As we reflect upon the apostle in his time of need we pray that you will work by your Holy Spirit deep within us, to hear, to reflect, to ask the hard questions of what obedience means for us. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.