This Sunday - 1st February

This Sunday - 1st February

This Sunday morning we meet at 11am for our annual 'CE Service'. CE (Christian Endeavour) has been a very appreciated part of life in Ballyhenry for many years and we are looking forward to the boys and girls from CE leading the service. There will be a supervised creche for babies / toddlers, but the service will be suitable for other kids. Niall will be giving an all-age talk where we will be going back to the very beginning of the story which the Bible tells - seeing how God made a world which was very good, then how things became very bad, and finally how God gave a promise that one day He would send someone special as a rescuer. As I've been preparing for Sunday I have been reminded what a fantastic resource The Jesus Storybook Bible is. You can purchase it from our on-line bookstore by visiting here

At 7pm we meet for our evening service (prayertime at 6.30pm). Mark will be leading this service where we will be looking at the account in John's Gospel of the raising of Laarus from the dead (John 11 vs 1-44). Stories like this are familiar to many of us ... however as you prepare for Sunday do pray that in a new way God will open our eyes to the amazing, and life changing truths, that are to be found within His word.