This Sunday - 18th September

This Sunday - 18th September

This Sunday morning we gather in Ballyhenry for morning worship at 11am. Our theme for the morning is 'Don't just listen. Do it.' Our Bible focus is on James 1:19-27 where we find James highlighting the importance of being good listeners - listening to one another and primarily listening to God's word (the Bible). Watch out for how James uses two pictures to describe what the Bible is like - a mirror that lets us see what we are like, and a growing seed planted within our hearts. We will then be going on to see how listening is not enough - God's word is a word not just to be 'looked into' but to be lived out. 

As usual we have a full children's provision running from supervised creche through Beginners' Sunday School / Primetime to teenage Bible Class.

Then at 7pm we have opportunity to meet again when we will be looking at Luke 12:13-21 under the title 'Rich Towards God'. We are also looking forward to an interview with John and Anne Acheson on Sunday evening as they reflect on their recent outreach tour, down south,  with the band Reality.

Praise group will be leading, and Niall is due to speak, at both services. There is also an opportunity to meet for prayer at 6.30pm.