This Sunday - 16th October

This Sunday - 16th October

This Sunday we meet for worship in Ballyhenry at 11am and 7pm.

At 11am we welcome Mr Trevor Long who will be taking our service. Trevor is currently a candidate for PCI's 'Auxiliary Ministry' scheme and he will be taking the service as part of that process. We'll be continuing our series in James, looking at James 3 vs 1-18. The overall title for the morning is 'Tongue Tied' when, among other things, we'll be seeing how James compares the tongue to the rudder on a large ship - it is small but it hugely affects the course of our character and our lives. The service will include our Praise Group leading, and a supervised creche and full children's provision (including teenage Bible Class).

Then we are back again at 7pm (prayertime at 6.30pm). This week we are delighted to be having Lorna Morrison as our guest speaker. Lorna is one of our own members who works as a Regional Staff Worker with CUI (formerly IFES Ireland) among university / college students in the North West of the Province. Through Lorna we have a close partnership relationship with the work of CUI and we look forward to hearing Lorna share with us about her work.

Do be encouraged to join with us - and by all means share the invitation!