Psam 61 - Those who fear your name

Psam 61 - Those who fear your name

Read: Psalm 61 vs 1-8

I was sorting through some photographs recently and came across a picture I had taken in Donaghadee. It was a picture of the lighthouse. On a bright and calm day a lighthouse can very easily be taken for granted. It’s something that’s always been there, something that’s familiar, something to maybe even take a picture of.

However in the middle of a dark and stormy night a lighthouse becomes so much more. For a ship being tossed around in a storm upon the sea a lighthouse can be the difference between life and death, a life giving warning or where there is both danger (avoid these rocks) and where there is safety (there is a harbour here). 

Psalm 61 speaks about those who have ‘the heritage’ of fearing God’s name. I grew up in a Christian home, going to church and being around Christian things was literally the air that I breathed. Growing up in this kind of context we can easily slip into taking God for granted. We get used to Him being there, used to Him being that constant presence in the background of our lives.

However when the seas of life become more unsettled, when storm clouds gather, for people of faith God becomes so much more. Psalm 61 pictures someone lost at sea. They are far from a place of safety and it is from that place, ‘the ends of the earth’ (vs 2), that that they call out. Sinking, with a feeling of their heart growing faint (vs 2) they seek the rock that is higher than they are, the refuge of the One who they describe as ‘a strong tower against the foe’ (vs 3).

David, writing this Psalm, longs not just to see the light of God’s presence but He longs to dwell with Him in a place of permanent refuge and shelter (vs 4). Centuries after this Psalm was written the Son of David looked out at those who were tired and struggling. His invitation shines out today as it did then:

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ (Matthew 11:28)

Prayer: Father thank you that in you is found security and rest. Lord Jesus help me to come to you and know today that I am safe in your presence. Amen.