Psalm113 - from the rising of the sun

Psalm113 - from the rising of the sun

Read: Psalm 113 vs 1-9

First thing this morning I went out for a run. My conscience immediately demands that I declare the fact that I haven’t actually been out running for quite a long while. Anyway, making I was well into my (short) route when I caught sight of one of the oldest of Ballyhenry, standing in their front porch. That same person had been speaking to me on the phone a fortnight ago and gently chastened me with the observation ‘I haven’t seen you out running for a while.’ When they saw this morning they smiled, and I smiled back, and I ran on, pleased and encouraged!

Psalm 113 is a Psalm of encouragement. It is an encouragement to those who it describes as the Lord’s ‘servants’. In the Bible there is a tremendous dignity to the role of a servant. Jesus Himself said this: ‘I am among you as one who serves’ (Luke 22:27). Jesus came into this world to show His love for us by becoming a servant, a love and a service that would take Him all the way to the cross.

Now Jesus calls us to follow Him, and to show our love for God and for others by taking on the role of a servant. ‘The greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves’ (Luke 22:26).

A willingness to serve comes from a picture of the greatness of God and to find our dignity and calling in life as living as servants of His (Psalm 113: 1-2). As I write these words the sun has just set outside my window. The Bible tells us that from early this morning to late this evening, all around the world the LORD is exalted (vs 4) and enthroned (vs 5). It is this God who calls us to rise and to rest as His servants, lifting us up this role of honour and privilege (vs 7-8). I read Psalm 113 and I smile, and I keep on, pleased and encouraged.  

Prayer: Lord Jesus thank You for the privilege of being called to be Your servant. Help me to serve you with all my heart and to serve others as You give me opportunity. In Your Name I pray. Amen.