Psalm 71 - To the next generation

Psalm 71 - To the next generation

Read: Psalm 71 vs 1-24

Recently I was doing a bit of tidying and was looking through some old photos. Phots tell the story of our lives and they tell the story of those who have come before us. ‘Remember that’, you say as you sort through old pictures, ‘look at them’, ‘that was the day that …’

Our lives of course change over the years, circumstances change and the characters with whom we ‘do life’ come and go. 

We don’t know who wrote Psalm 71 (there is no title to this Psalm), but whoever they were we find them sorting through their memories. This Psalm gives us the words of someone looking back over life. This is a person who has placed their confidence in the ‘Sovereign LORD’ since they were young (vs 5). In fact this person can’t remember a time when they didn’t rely on God. They have relied on Him from as long as they can remember (vs 6) and on hindsight they realise that God was even there from before they were born. 

The word that the writer of this prayer holds onto is a word found in vs 3 and 14. It is the word ‘always’. Realising that God has always been there, through every chapter of their life, gives this person of faith a deep confidence that, as they look to the future, God will always be there:

‘As for me, I shall always have hope; I will praise you more and more.’

Christian faith is an ‘always’ faith. We look back and thank Him for His faithfulness and for those who taught us of the Lord (vs 17). We look forward, for as many days as God would give us, praying that the Lord will give us the privilege of declaring His power to the ‘next generation’ (vs 18).

As we step into a new day we do so carrying the promise of Jesus: ‘I am with you always’ (Matthew 28:20). Luke Psalm 71 that promise comes in the context of passing on the good news to others. We look back with thankfulness, we look forward in hope. We have a message to share and Jesus is with us along the way. Always.

Prayer: Father thank you for the promise of Jesus to be with us always. Thank you for strong promises like this found within Your word. Amen.