Psalm 7 - Guilt on my hands

Psalm 7 - Guilt on my hands

Reading through the Psalms, taking them one by one, day by day, I am discovering new words. I am beginning to realise that there are some words that come up a lot in the Psalms. The word ‘refuge’ is used over 40 times in this book, the word comes up 22 times, the word ‘trouble’ appears 42 times and the word ‘thanks’ is found over 20 times.

All of the above words appear in today’s Psalm. Psalm 7 is a survival Psalm. Before he himself became King, David was hunted by King Saul. Saul belonged to the tribe of Benjamin, and it seems that ‘Cush a Benjamite’ (named in the title) was also trying to kill David.

The fears that David finds within his own heart are extreme. He fears that those who pursue him will catch him and tear him apart like a lion (vs2), ripping him to pieces with no-one to rescue him. The Psalm finds David calling out to God and asking him to treat him according to his (David’s) righteousness (vs 8). 

The more we know our Bibles the more this kind of prayer raises problems in our minds. When we read the story of David (in 1 and 2 Samuel) we learn that David is not always righteous. None of us are. So what if God treats David as he deserves? It’s at this point that these Psalms point us forward in the Bible story to what we most need. 

Ultimately we do not need a God who will treat us as we deserve. We need a Saviour, someone who will save and rescue us, from the one pictured in the New Testament as a lion seeking to destroy our souls, the devil.

Pause for thought: Turn to 1 Peter 5. In vs 4 we are reminded that we have ‘a Chief Shepherd’. We can cast all our anxiety on Him because the cross reminds us that he cares for us (vs 7). He wants to guard us against all that would destroy our faith (vs 8). He promises to make all who call to Him, strong, firm and steadfast (vs 10). Bring your anxiety today and lay it at the feet of the cross where Jesus laid down His life for you.