Psalm 57 - Thank offerings

Psalm 57 - Thank offerings

Read: Psalm 57 vs 1-11

How we relate to the past is an important thing and it’s an important thing when it comes to our own sense of identity and well being. Some people can be imprisoned by their past; constantly living in a time that is gone, endlessly replaying a ‘rose coloured past, or repeatedly going over old pains and hurts. For others the temptation can be to deny the past. It can be easy to air brush from our story good memories, forgetting that anything good ever happened to us, or forgetting troubled times, hard places where there was actually much to learn.

When you read the Psalms of David you can’t help wonder if he remembers too much about the tortured period in his life when he was fleeing from Saul. Today we come to another Psalm set in this period of his life, a Psalm written when he fled from Saul and was hiding in a cave. What if it is actually in these places and in these moments that God has most to teach us? For forty years the children of Israel trudged through a featureless wilderness. The story is told in significant detail in the books of Exodus through to the end of Deuteronomy. For forty days and nights Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, story presented in the New Testament as being foundational to His self understanding and His ministry (Matthew 4:1-11). So what if it is actually in these places and in these times that God wants to do His deepest and most formative work in us? What if it is in these times of being under threat, living under daily pressure, and seeing no end to it, that God wants to teach us the most, and to teach us things that we will remember?

David went on to experience many good times. However as he compiled the song catalogue of his life there were lyrics he wanted to remember:

‘I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.’ (vs 1)

‘My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.’ (vs 7)

‘… great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.’ (vs 10)

Prayer: Lord Jesus this is a hard and demanding season for many. Help me to be learning from you at this time. Teach me things that I will remember. In the meantime help me take refuge in the shadow of your wings until these days have passed. Amen.