Psalm 51 - Cleanse me

Psalm 51 - Cleanse me

Read: Psalm 51 vs 1-19

Today, in coming to Psalm 51, we come to a Psalm written by David after an episode in his life when David made a series of choices that denied God and caused enormous harm to others, to himself and to his family, for years to come. 

The story behind Psalm 51 is recorded in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. There is an immediate warning in this story, in that it starts with David unexpectedly at home (away from work) and with time on his hands (2 Samuel 11 vs 1). Changes in routine can bring unexpected temptations and unexpected opportunities for sin.

This chapter in David’s life plays out like dominoes falling, David finds himself tempted (vs 2), he engages (vs 3), he acts (vs 4), he covers up (vs 6), he sees others as expendable (vs 8), he murders (vs 15) and at the end he callously turns away (vs 25). 

Nathan the prophet confronts David with God’s judgment (2 Samuel 12 vs 7), and it is out of this moment that Psalm 51 comes, a Psalm of repentance where a broken David faces up to his sin (Psalm 51 vs 4).

What is so shocking in many ways, is not that David did these things, but that the Bible records what he did. We can imagine the Bible writers saying ‘David has moved on’, ‘don’t bring that up again.’ But no – they record David at his worst because there are key things here to learn. This story vividly illustrates how sin ‘so easily entangles’ (Hebrews 12 vs 1). We all must be on our guard. David leaves this episode forgiven, but the consequences and hurt of his actions live with him and with his family for generations to come.

But it also wonderfully illustrates how God has made a way for us, at our worst, to be cleansed (Psalm 51 vs 2). We are more wicked than we can realise, our hearts contain dark corners. We are more loved than we could ever imagine. Jesus came to lay down His life for sinful people like David, people like us, whose hope lies in His salvation (vs 12).

Prayer: Lord keep me from temptation and deliver me from evil. Cleanse me of my sin and help me to live in the joy of your salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.