Psalm 140 - I Know

Psalm 140 - I Know

Read: Psalm 140 vs 1-13

Yesterday at the end of Psalm 139 we saw how David glances in his rear-view mirror and sees ‘enemies’. It would be lovely if this glimpse was merely a blip, a one off intrusion, from which David could get on with a happy, straightforward, peaceful life. However turning today to Psalm 140 we realise that this is not the case.  No sooner has David affirmed his strong and confident trust in the LORD (Psalm 139) than we hear him crying to the LORD with urgent intensity:

‘Rescue me, LORD, from evildoers; protect me from the violent.’

If you were to compile a top of people’s favourite Psalms my guess it would go something like this; #23, #121, #139 … all Psalms that we immediately associate with comfort (and that is a very precious thing). However reading through the book of Psalms one by one what has maybe struck me more than anything is just how much pressure the psalm writers regularly find themselves under, and how their experiences depict the life of faith not simply as a journey, but as a battle. 

This was their experience, and this, as we have mentioned on numerous occasions’ is a fact that the New Testament writers pick up on. When in Ephesians 6: 10-20 the Apostle Paul calls on Christians to ‘put on the full armour of God’ he is not describing some exceptional moment of threat, but rather he is inviting a daily vigilance. 

So the words of Psalm 140 become, not words for some moment of exceptional threat, but rather words for daily life:

‘Rescue me … protect me … keep me safe … my strong deliverer … my shield.’

Living each day in the LORD’s presence (vs 13) gives us the courage to get up and get on, knowing that the Sovereign LORD reigns over us, in Jesus He is for us, and by His Spirit He is ever with us.

Prayer: Father protect me today, keep me safe. You are my strong deliverer, my shield. Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.