Psalm 132 - Remember David

Psalm 132 - Remember David

Read: Psalm 132 vs 1-18

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of people named in the Bible. While there is only central character (God Himself, revealed in Jesus, and active through His Spirit), there are other key ‘supporting characters’. You think of people like Abraham and Moses in the Old Testament, you think of Mary or Paul in the New. King David is one of the key supporting characters in the whole of the Bible. Introduced to us as far back as the book of Ruth (4:17), his name is mentioned in a total of 28 Bible books (19 in the Old Testament, 9 in the New). 

Psalm 132 is written as a song to the LORD and it begins with a prayer that God Himself will specifically ‘remember David’ (vs 1). The song begins in vs 1-10 by remembering how David, when he was king, swore an oath to build ‘a dwelling’ for God (vs 5). Planning for a temple, where God could be worshipped and where the ark of the covenant could rest, became a passion and a priority for David as the years of his reign went by. Although the actual building of the temple fell to his son Solomon, vs 10 asks God to remember David’s passion for Him, and for David’s sake, to remember those who in future generations would sit on David’s throne.

Verses 11-18 then swing round to remember God’s commitment to David, a commitment rooted in God’s promise in 2 Samuel 7:16, that David’s kingdom would be established for ever with a king from David’s family ruling over his people.

Psalm 132 is a psalm of commitment, remembering the commitment of the people’s greatest king to God, and remembering God’s commitment to him. Psalms like this are sometimes referred to as ‘Messianic Psalms’, they look forward to the greatest King from David’s family who reigns both now and forevermore. As followers of King Jesus we get up each morning looking to a God who is committed to His people. He is our King, and He gives to all who submit to Him, the privilege of living in His Kingdom. As a new begins that is worth remembering!

Prayer: Lord God thank You that You are the Mighty One and You are committed to Your people. Help me this week to live committed to You, in all I do and in all I am. In Jesus' Name. Amen.