Psalm 131 - Calmed

Psalm 131 - Calmed

Read: Psalm 131 vs 1-3

Psalm 131 is one of my favourite chapters in the whole of the Bible. It’s a ‘song of ascents’, a psalm of David and I remember coming across it for the first back in the early 2000s. My sister and I have always been close and I remember in 2003 the birth of her second son. The day when a baby arrives can often be a real emotional rollercoaster for a family; the anxious waiting, the anticipation, and the arrival itself, long and drawn out, even for those keeping in touch at a distance.

I remember that evening being in Fiona’s house. She was still in hospital. I can still clearly remember going up the stairs and seeing my older nephew (then aged 2) lying sleeping soundly in his cot. Lying calmly and quietly, content, unaware of all the activity that the day had brought.  

This picture lies at the heart of Psalm 131. We don’t know at what stage in his life David wrote this psalm. However David grew up aware of his destiny to be king (1 Samuel 16:13), his road to the throne was personally demanding and fraught with daily threat, and for many years he carried the burdens and responsibilities of leadership. On any given day, at any moment in his life David had many things to concern him, and many ‘great matters’ (vs 1) that could have weighed him down and caused him many anxious thoughts.

But in this psalm of personal testimony, David reveals a believing heart that is calm and quiet. Yes David had a job to do and that job involved responsibilities and decisions, but in some deeper sense David has chosen not to be overly concerned with these things. David lives aware that life will always be bigger than him, too wonderful for him. 

David likens his relationship to God to that of a weaned child with its mother. David is hoping in Him and David is content. We live in a world where there is much to think about much to be anxious about. Amidst it all words of quiet invitation speak out:

… put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.’ (vs 3)

Prayer: Father in this big and complicated world help me to wake each morning and to lie down each night with eyes on you and a heart that rests in the fact that You are lving and that You are in control. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.