Psalm 129 - Oppressed

Psalm 129 - Oppressed

Read: Psalm 129 vs 1-8

The sense of movement up to the city of Jerusalem, on the way to worship, creates a very visual picture as we read our way through the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134). The going is tough for the people who are singing Psalm 129. Sometimes being somewhere different, or taking time out, creates a moment when we look back over the years. Doing this the writer this psalm shares their experience of being ‘oppressed’ at many different times and in many different situations. In fact their experience has been one of being ‘greatly oppressed’ (repeated in vs 1 and 2). This is something that has been happening all the way back to their youth (vs 1).

The word the Bible writers used here for oppressed is found for the first time back in the book of Deuteronomy. In that book (20:19) we read about a city being ‘oppressed’ in a time of siege, with enemy soldiers encamped around, slowly wearing down those sheltering behind the city walls. This is how Israel has felt, time and again, and yet though greatly oppressed their enemy has not gained the victory over them (vs 2).

The words of this psalm were Israel’s ‘testimony’, their story of God’s keeping them, and they echo words of the Apostle Paul as he looked back over his life in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9:

We are had pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.’

Back in Psalm 129 Israel is pictured as having had their back scarred, the way a ploughman would plough a field. We worship a Saviour who was flogged by His oppressors (Matthew 27:26). Jesus has become the oppressed One so that in our afflictions (whatever their source or cause) we need not despair. It is this Jesus, now risen and victorious, who understands, who empathises with us in all our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15) and who stads to give strength to all who trust in Him.

Prayer: Lord Jesus You were greatly oppressed for me. Spat, flogged, and lead out to die. Give me strength today to stay close to you no matter what pressures I face or struggles I feel. Thank You that today You are risen and victorious. Amen.