Psalm 128 - Blessing

Psalm 128 - Blessing

Read: Psalm 128 vs 1-6

Psalm 128 is a difficult psalm. It’s not difficult to read in the way that some psalms are. Travelling through this book we have listened as different writers describe a harsh and violent world, or give vent to their own pain and hurt; those psalms can make difficult reading.

Psalm 128, however, is difficult in a different way. Reading it there is a warmth, a brightness to it, with its promise of blessing for all who fear the LORD and who walk in obedience to Him (vs 1). For someone considering entering in to the life of faith this psalm is a very good advert; ‘blessings and prosperity’ (vs 2), a fruitful wife (vs 3), numerous children healthy and engaged at home (vs 3). The problem isn’t how someone might read this psalm if they considering starting the life of faith, the problem is how this psalm reads when someone has been faithfully walking before the LORD for years and has not experienced life as described in these words.

We need to keep our balance at this point. When we read the Bible as a whole we discover that Christian faith is not a life of karma, with good people getting good things and bad people getting bad things. However neither should the brokenness of this world lead us to despise the good things that we do enjoy, and to receive good things as gifts from a loving Heavenly Father. So the Apostle Paul can write:

‘… every good thing God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving’ (1 Timothy 4: 4).

So Paul encourages his younger friend Timothy to receive and enjoy (for example) marriage, and food as good things given by God (1 Timothy 4:3). But at that moment we remember that Paul is writing against a personal background of a life of much suffering, rejection and imprisonment. How do these things add up? Could it be that the good things we enjoy in life are signposts to a life of fuller blessing, truer blessing, promised in a ‘new Jerusalem’ (Revelation 21:2). Life now is a gift, and for God’s faithful people good things come as His to enjoy. But even at their best they are never our goal. So we are free to enjoy, family, and things, but we do not worship them.

Prayer: Father thank You for good things that are a blessing to me. Help me always to have You as my ‘number 1’ and You alone. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.