Psalm 119 vs 25-48 - Weary

Psalm 119 vs 25-48 - Weary

Read: Psalm 119 vs 25-48

If you had to choose one word to describe how you are feeling at the minute what would that word be? The writers of the Psalms had many words that they could reach for when they wanted to describe their feelings. As we have seen the Psalms cover a huge range of feelings and emotions. The word that stands out from reading these verses from Psalm 119 (vs 25-48) is the word ‘weary’ (vs 28). The writer of this Psalm is weary. This isn’t a weariness that will be turned around with a good night’s sleep, this is a deeper weariness, a weariness of ‘the soul’, a weariness that comes with a sorrow and a sense of weakness.

Perhaps one of the hardest things about feeling like this is the feeling that you are alone in this, or the feeling that while others may listen and sympathise, they can’t help, and you can’t help yourself. This is what is so striking about these verses in this Psalm. The Psalmist starts with how they feel but quickly reaches out to lay hold on who God is and on what God can do. 

So here is a prayer that God will give strength according to His word (vs 28), that the LORD will teach and give understanding (vs 33), that He will direct (vs 35), that He will turn the Psalmist’s eyes from ‘worthless things’ (vs 37), that He will fulfil His promises (vs 38), and preserve this person’s life (vs 40).

This is an ‘asking Psalm’, an unashamedly ‘needy Psalm’, and yet at the same time a ‘God centred Psalm’. As this weary believer reaches out for God’s commands (vs 48), they do so in faith and in hope, trusting that the LORD’s unfailing love will come to them (by whatever means He chooses, vs 41), and that in time they will have a testimony to share of how God has brought them through (vs 42).

Prayer: Lord You know that at times I feel weary. Thank You that I can call out to You. Please give me strength for today, teach me Your ways, direct my paths, turn my eyes from worthless things. Give me life that I might praise You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.