Psalm 117 - Great is His love

Psalm 117 - Great is His love

Read: Psalm 117 vs 1-2

I have a little box on my desk. It’s the size of the kind of box of matches that my mum used to keep in the kitchen. It’s called an ‘external hard drive’ and you can store computer files on it. Even though it’s small you can get a lot into it. Apparently, into that one small box, you can fit 300 million pages! It is amazing how much can get in to something so small.

Very shortly we will come to Psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the Bible. However, today we arrive at what is the shortest and smallest chapter in the Bible; Psalm 117. It comes with only two verses and, in our English Bibles, 29 words.

But here’s the thing, when you read it carefully and start to open it up it really is amazing how much is in this Psalm. The Psalm begins with the word ‘Praise’. In the original Bible language this word is called an ‘imperative’ word. An imperative doesn’t make a suggestion ‘You might feel like this’, or ‘If you want to why don’t you think about …’ An imperative gives a command. Praise! The Bible summons us to our feet and to pray attention to the words, actions and character of the Living God. 

But this word is also in the plural. In other words it’s not just a word for an individual, it’s a word that calls ‘all nations’ and ‘all peoples’ (vs 1) to praise the LORD. We have said this before, but if I am a Christian Jesus is not just my ‘personal Saviour’ (though He is), but He is also the one who has come to be the Saviour of all peoples. Christian mission is a call to all peoples and all nations to give God the praise He deserves and to recognise that His love is great and that His faithfulness endures forever (vs 2). 

You sit down to read the shortest Psalm, alone with God, and before you get to the end you have caught a glimpse of 7.8 billion people … all nations, all peoples, all called to from this short Psalm. That really is amazing!

Prayer: LORD You are the LORD of all nations and all peoples. Please give us a new passion to see Your Name and Your fame made known in all places and among all peoples. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.