Psalm 105 vs 23-45 - Remembered

Psalm 105 vs 23-45 - Remembered

Read: Psalm 105 vs 23-45

The word ‘remember’ is a Bible word. It’s used over 200 times in our Bibles and it’s one of those words that is literally in the Bible from the beginning (Genesis 8:1) through to the very end (Revelation 3:3). 

Have you ever met someone who promises to do something and they don’t do it, not because they want to hurt or annoy you, but simply because they have forgotten, they have not remembered? The Bible tells us that God is a promise-making God, but more than that He is a promise-keeping God. Time and time again God is described and praised in the Bible as someone who always remembers. When the New Testament opens, preparing for the arrival of God’s Messiah, it pictures this wonderful moment as a moment when God ‘remembered’ all the promises He had made to His people (Luke 1:54, 72).

God always remembers but in complete contrast to this the Bible warns us that human nature is very forgetful. Time and again God’s people know things in the Bible and then forget those things (Deuteronomy 4:9). Jesus knew how prone we are to forget and so He gave His followers a meal to remember Him and Hi love for them (Luke 22:19).

The book of Psalms never tire of reminding us of what God has done in the past. Today we are reading the second part of Psalm 105. God always remembers (vs 42) but because we easily forget we need to read and re-read these accounts. There’s nothing new in Psalm 105, the Bible has already told us all these stories of God’s wonders in the wilderness, His leading of His people and His provision of food to eat and water to drink. 

Psalm 105 reminds that often when we come to the Bible we don’t need to learn something new, but rather what often most need is a reminder; God has made us, we have turned from us, Jesus has come to find and lay down His life for us. His Spirit is with us and He will one day return to judge the living and the dead. Heard it all before? Sometimes its good to be reminded!

Prayer: Father I know lots of things about You and about Your Son, the Lord Jesus. But I confess that often I forget the things I know. Help me this week to remember You and to live close to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.