Pray for the People of Syria

Pray for the People of Syria

Many commentators in news and social media have reflected upon how 2014 was a year of many tragedies and crises around the world. Facts, figures and statistics easily go over our heads in these days of 24hr news and 140 character sound bites. However one fact that has come to light today is truely horrific. The UK based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has estimated that 76,000 people lost their lives as a result of war in Syria in the past twelve months.

Syria is a once beautiful country, rich in history and culture. Today Syria is a place of unimaginable suffering and turmoil. As we look into a New Year pray for peace in the country of Syria, and pray for God's hand of mercy upon all who have suffered and are suffering today. Pray for all who hold this country and its people close to their hearts.