New Series - beginning this Sunday (14th May)

New Series - beginning this Sunday (14th May)

The first four books in the New Testament (the Gospels) tell the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection. But what happened next?

It is the next book in the New Testament (the book of Acts) which takes up the story. It is to this book which we are turning for a series entitled The Spreading Flame scheduled to  run trough to the end of the summer.

Acts begins with a promise where Jesus said:

‘You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ (Acts 1:8)

In this series we trace the story of how this promise was kept and worked out in the life of the first disciples, and in the growth and witness of the early Church.  

As with previous series, in advance of each Sunday you are encouraged to Read the section listed for that day. Then, each Sunday in church, we will Focus on a particular passage as we explore key moments in this remarkable and inspiring story.

By the end of August our plan is to get to Acts chapter 18, and the end of what is sometimes referred to as ‘Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey’.

Join us this Sunday morning at 11am as this new series begins. (Our service this week includes Communion when we will also be reecieving new members into the life of the church). Creche / Children's provision as usual.

At 7pm our own Ricky Ferguson will be taking the evening service bringing some news about the work that he, Marlene and their colleagues are currently involved with.