Daily words - our peace

Daily words - our peace

‘While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ (Luke 24 vs 36)

The disciples were in bits. Their whole lives had collapsed down around them. It was about three years since each of them had first met Jesus and heard His call ‘Follow me.’ They had left their work, left their families, left their home towns and followed. It had been a time in their lives like no other, ups downs, moments of faith, times of confusion, but always Jesus was with them. 

The last few days had been days of enormous trauma. The arrest of Jesus. The bloody crucifixion, and then an empty tomb and the impossible news that He had risen. Reading back it’s hard to imagine how confused, how all over the place these disciples were when on ‘empty tomb evening’ Jesus Himself came and stood among them. Then these words: ‘Peace be with you.’ Writing years later the Apostle Paul said this about Jesus: ‘He Himself is our peace’ (Ephesians 2:14). 

Today Jesus knows you. He knows who you are, He knows where you’ve been, He knows what is ahead. He knows the huge tangle of complex things that make up you. He is our peace. Allow His words to embrace your heart and all that you are today. ‘Peace be with you’.

Prayer: Lord Jesus thank You that You are our peace. May Your peace surround us today. In Your Name I pray. Amen.