Daily Strength - When Bitter

Daily Strength - When Bitter

‘Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.’ Hebrews 12 vs 14-15

A number of weeks I got the change to spend a few hours out in the garden. One of the things I did was some weeding. When I had finished I was all pleased. Our driveway looked all clean. I stood back, looked at my work and smiled. About a week later I was walking into the drive and I was shocked to discover that once again weeds were growing! Not fair after all my hard work!

It’s this image of growing weeds that the writer to the Hebrews uses to warn his Christian readers about allowing ‘bitter roots’ to grow in their lives and in their attitudes towards other people. They are to ‘make every effort’ to live in peace and to be quick to pull out any bitter roots the minute they are spotted. Bitter roots cut us off from the Lord, and bitter roots in us end up defiling many people. Bitterness spreads and one bitter person can end up hurting many people.

So, let’s work at this … and like our driveway … let’s realise that we need to keep working at this. Bitter roots grow easily, but a clean life brings much honour to God.

Prayer: Father You know that I can so easily became bitter, especially if I have felt hurt, or if I am tired or frustrated. Please help me to make every effort to keep my heart and minds free from bitterness today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.