An Advent Journey - 15th December

An Advent Journey - 15th December

Advent Journey – Day 17

Read: Nehemiah 1 vs 1-11

No matter how early you start there are always things to be done to get ready for Christmas. As we have seen over the last couple of weeks, page upon page, in the Old Testament part of the Bible we see God getting ready for Christmas. 

Yesterday we were reading form the book of Ezra. Following the chaos and devastation of exile to Babylon Ezra sees the people begin to return to the Promised Land. Ezra was a Bible teacher and he helped to put God’s word back in the centre enabling God’s people to get a feel of where they were, what was going on, and what God required of them as they looked forward.

Today we meet Nehemiah. If God’s plan was going to keep moving forward then the people needed God’s word (Ezra’s contribution) but they also needed security as they settled back into life in Jerusalem. This is where Nehemiah fitted in. Nehemiah was a builder and a mobiliser of people. Nehemiah listened to God, and then shared with the people a vision of a rebuilt city, a plan for that rebuilding work. 

Nehemiah is often held up as an example of leadership and in all kinds of ways we see God’s people getting back on their feet in this action packed book. But here’s the thing. At the end of Nehemiah things are in a better place, but the book finishes with Nehemiah frustrated and the people still fragmented in their heart of God and in their obedience to His plans. 

Time and again these Old Testament stories get us ready for Christmas not by showing us what God gave the people (leaders and rescuers) but by showing us what God didn’t give the people – a perfect Saviour able to save completely.

For that person the Old Testament makes us wait, but with ever story we read the anticipation grows, and the countdown to Christmas continues …

Prayer: Father thank you that when you sent Jesus you sent the Saviour we need. May all our longings and all our hopes … and even all our disappointments … lead us to Him today. Amen.